Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!!

Here's what I'm most thankful for today: Celebrating my husbands Birthday!

That may sound a little strange, but let me explain. As you know by now, we've been doing devotionals for several months that have changed our lives. Here's one big change: Rob's birthday has always been very stressful for me. For all these years, he never let us really celebrate his birthday. He would celebrate with us on our birthdays, but he thought it was a waste of time and money, and would actually get mad if we tried to do anything for him. He didn't even want a present, and would huff and puff if we got him one. (But we did it anyway, lol!) Oh yea, he did always let us get him a cake, cause my man loves him some Birthday Cake!!!!

Since doing the devotions, he's realized that celebrating his birthday is just as much for us as it is for him. It gives us a chance to show him how much we love and appreciate him, and when he takes that away from us, it hurts.

Well, when we did a devotion on that and talked about it recently, he told me he didn't realize the effect his actions had on us, and that he would be happy to let us celebrate his birthday. And boy was he!!! What a difference! I put balloons on the mailbox and a banner on the door. We bought him some things he's been wanting but wouldn't buy himself. We took him out to dinner. He had a blast!!!! He thanked us for making his birthday so special. HE REALLY ENJOYED IT!!

This little Chocolate Mousse Torte from Ukrops was great!!! It had a Raspberry filling in the middle, what a great little surprise!!

Rob eating cake on his favorite Snoopy plate
Yea, it's a Christmas plate, but I put all his desserts on it cause Snoop Dog makes him happy!!!!!
Ummm, that tastes great!!!!

God is so good. This is just one of the changes God has made in both of us. Here's another that we find hilarious: We used to complain about each other's snoring. We recently realized that now when we hear the other snoring, we are happy that our spouse is getting a good rest. Isn't that funny? We actually LIKE to hear each other snore!!! How corny is that?

Here's something I found in "God's Little Instruction Book" that I love:

"A marriage may be made in heaven, but the maintenance must be done on earth."

After almost 28 years, we are still working on the maintenance! And we'll never stop because God blesses us more and more every day!!

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians 5:33

I Love you baby, you're my knight in shining armour!!

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