Outside My Window: It’s dark cause I’m not getting to this till 10 p.m.
I am thinking: I don’t feel good and it’s my own fault. Hardee’s for breakfast, Burger King for lunch. Blaahhhhhk!!!!!!!
I am thankful for: Tons of eBay sales this weekend. 14 to be exact! Bobby found his wallet again for the second time. Both times he lost it he was wearing the same shorts. He was walking (running) Rebel and it fell out on the street, but he went back and found it before anybody else did. Thank you Lord, cause this time it was full of money from where he just sold his jet ski. Oh, and I’m thankful he sold the jet ski for $1,200. A hefty $600 profit for my little man!!
From the Kitchen: Nothing today, but both of our devotionals tonight talked about cake , so I took that as a sign from above that I need to bake a cake. Gonna get right on that, just not sure what kind yet.
I am wearing: Mint Green Nightgown (again)
I am hoping: I won’t be nauseous tomorrow. Rob thinks it’s the gall bladder again. I just think I need to stop stuffing the face!!!!
I am reading: Night Light Devotionals for couples, Love and Respect, Through the Bible in a year.
I am creating: Well, we were creating a surprise for Sarah, but she just found out!!! Paul is coming to the river and she's going for another motorcycle ride this weekend. My biker chick daughter is very, very happy right now!!!!
I am praying: For healing for Johnny (Rob’s brother who has MS) He’s had a really, really tough time lately. I didn’t know MS could be so very bad!!!
I am hearing: Rebel licking things I don’t want to even talk about, that nasty, disgusting, filthy dog!!!!!!!!!! And Bobby walking out the door (too late to be leaving don't ya think?) Other than that, silence :)
One of my favorite things: My new Bible Cover for my new Marriage and Family Bible. It’s pink and brown stripes and just the cutest little thing (if you were 16) but I love it!!!
Around the house: Rob worked at his friend Bubba's house all day and he was beat, so he's tucked in and fast asleep. Sarah is laid up in her room with Bobby's laptop (no doubt strolling around YoVille, the girls hooked!!!) Bobby just went to a friends house to look at some tires for his truck. And I'm working late tonight, trying to get caught up with shipping out my eBay stuff.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Post office tomorrow cause I had 4 international sales today, and I can’t schedule a postal pick up for them! Shopping and making plans for the River this weekend. Big cookout at our place and craft show in Deltaville Saturday!!
Here is the picture I am sharing: Sarah riding in the front seat of Nanny’s car (she hasn’t done that in years but had to because the van is broke down and she LOVED it!!) Ok, the van isn’t really broke down, just in the process of getting the water pump replaced. All in due time :)