Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Good Morning! God is sooo good, and I'm feeling extra blessed this morning! A little unsettled in my spirit, but I'll get to that in a minute. I just want to thank God for all He has blessed me with, all He has provided, all He has done in my life. I'm just a happy girl, and it's because of God's love for me and His blessings!!!! Oh yea, and a husband who is the bomb and makes me feel special even on my worst days helps a bit too :-D

Now, on to that "unsettled" thing. I'm not sure what it is, and you've probably been there too. I think God is preparing me for "something", I just don't know what. It always seems to happen that way. I feel a tug at my heart, a need to pray extra hard, and then WHAM, something comes up that says "this is what I've been preparing you for"!!

There have been a couple of things I've been asking God to show me lately. The first is to show me what I need to sacrifice. Have you ever felt like God is telling you to sacrifice something so He can show you His power and love? I've been feeling that lately and am praying for God's direction. Actually, I'm praying that He would hit me over the head with it, cause I'm afraid I won't hear what He's telling me otherwise!

Secondly, I've been feeling that God is wanting me to be more hospitable. I just finished reading a book that I thought was made just for me: A Life That Says Welcome, Simple Ways to Open Your Heart & Home to Others. What a great book. It gave me some awesome examples of ways to show God's love to others. Little things mean a lot to people who are hurting or need a helping hand. And you can be hospitable without having people into your home, which is good, since nobody really wants to come over and sit on Bobby's bed in the living room anyway, lol!!!!! But eventually we'll get our house back in order, and we WILL have people over.

If nothing else, God is telling me to pray more, and getting my attention by putting this feeling inside me. Not a feeling of dread, but a feeling of anticipation, looking for something great to happen, and EXPECTING a blessing or miracle or whatever He is choosing to do in us or through us next. Ain't God good????

Okay, let's move on. The not so good feeling I've had lately is that of expansion. I feel like the air bags on the sides of my hips have been deployed and that is just NOT GOOD!!!! Too much junk food while being cooped up inside, and no exercise. That was one of my resolutions, more exercise, and you people have NOT held me accountable!!!! Yea, that's it, blame it on somebody else. I feel better now, lol!!!! TODAY, I will exercise and eat right, and try to remove these air bags from around my caboose!!!! I started my day off good, with a nice bowl of HAIRY oatmeal!! Yep, it was real good until I pulled that long nasty hair out of it. It was mine, but it still made me want to hurl. Made me want to throw it away and reach for the brownies instead, but I didn't!!! I forced it down, gagging most of the time. Score one point for me, yay!!!!!

I've been a little worried about this whole eBay thing too. BUT, I will reserve my judgement (somewhat) until the end of April, when I see just how all the changes will affect my business. I do know that for a lot of people, the changes are bad. Because of WHAT I sell, I don't think they'll be as bad for me, we shall see. People will always want to buy jeans at a discount, but a lot of people who sell little trinkets and non-neccesary items will be closing up shop from what I can tell. I just thank God that he led me in this direction in the beginning, because I had no intentions of selling jeans when I first started!!


Now, on to last nights dinner. I told those of you on Facebook about the wonderful bread I made last night. I can't believe how easy it was, and how yummy!!!! Here's the recipe. Mine didn't quite look like that, but it was lalicious!!

I didn't have buttermilk, so I used 1 cup milk and 1 Tablespoon white vinegar. Let it sit 5 minutes before using.

Here's what it looks like when you first put it in the pan. I used a cast iron skillet.
When it was done. Mine wasn't as high as theirs, but still yummy!!

One of our family favorites: Goulash!!

What's wrong with this picture? First of all, no green except for the peppers in the goulash. Second, I didn't think this through very well in the planning stages. The corn casserole is made with cornbread mix, and then there is the biscuit bread. A carb lovers dream meal!!!!!
Ok, so here's a few tips if you do try this bread. First, it says to cook it on medium, which is #4 on my stove. It actually started to get too done on the bottom, so I took it off the heat and let it sit a minute, then flipped it over like it said, and cooked it on and off the heat the rest of the time. I'd sit it on the burner for a minute, then take it off. it cooked up perfectly that way. Next time I might try cooking it on an even lower temp.

Also, I used a well seasoned skillet, and coated the inside with plenty of oil. I was afraid it would stick, but it didn't stick at all thanks to the generous oiling!!

Next time I'll use buttermilk, but it was great without it.

This tasted like the fluffiest homemade biscuits ever (I've NEVER made any this good!) without all the work!! Awesome! I found this recipe recently in one of those papers that come with the Newspaper. Relish or Parade or something?????

Well, that's all for now. Got to go list some jeans, make a post office run, clean and do laundry, and hmmm, something else I'm sure I'm forgetting.......oh yea, EXERCISE!!!!

Have a great day everybody! Remember that happiness is a choice, so choose to smile and be happy today. It's contagious ya know!!!!

"The Lord your God...will exult over you by singing a happy song." Zephaniah 3:17

P.S. The purple words are brought to you today by Crystal's Happy Place, where purple rules!!!!!

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