For Today:
Outside My Window: What a Beautiful Day! I should be at the river or working outside, not cooped up in my sickbed :-(
I am thinking: I have so much to do! Pictures, Cleaning, Mulching, Fertilizing, Laundry. When mamma ain't well, things pile up....now don't they Sugar???
I am thankful for: Sarah slept through the night, I think. She didn't wake me up anyway, and she's still sleeping!
From the Kitchen: Not much since it's just us girls today. Probably grilled chicken salad for dinner with frozen chicken. How easy is that????
I am hoping: That Sarah has a better day today. That Bobby and Slibs have fun at the race. That I feel like taking the 100+ pictures that need taken for eBay (I do feel a little better this morning, thank you Lord)!! That Rob gets to come home tonight. That's the plan, unless he runs into more problems with the camper.
I am reading: Still doing online devotions, reading a book by somebody (okay...maybe I'm not feeling my best yet....I don't have the energy to get up and get the name of it, lol)
Oh yea, and I just got a new diet book in the mail. The diet Rob and I started last week, where you are supposed to lose up to 16 pounds (LOL) the first week....we both lost 3 pounds, then gained 3 pounds, for a grand total of 0 lost for the week. How sweet. Anyhoo, I had already bid on the book on eBay, and guess what? I won the stinkin thing, after we gave up on the impossible. But I laid in bed last night and read almost the whole book, and saw where we went wrong (the magazine didn't give you ALL the "rules"!!!). Gonna try it again starting today. So if I'm a little cranky on Facebook, you'll know why!!!!!!
I am creating: NOTHING!!!!! I need a break!
I am praying: That the upcoming surgery takes care of Sarahs headaches! I hate it when my head hurts. I can't even begin to imagine how bad she feels. But I do know how bad she wants them to STOP!!!!!
Just so ya know, I won't be blogging during this next surgery like I did last time. First of all, she's only supposed to be in a day or two. And second, it's at VCU. I'm no too hip on taking my laptop up there, too many crazy people around. Not judgin, just sayin.!.!.! I will update Facebook via my phone so everybody knows what's going on.
I am hearing: Well, I was going to say Bobby's fan is all I hear, but as soon as I started typing, he turned it off. So.....now I hear him moving around, getting up. And Rebs banging his tail against the floor cause he's excited that his Bobby is awake!!!
One of my favorite things: Uhhh. Yea. Not feeling this question today. SKIP
Around the house: 5 buckets of jeans in the living room waiting for their picture to be taken. I smell dinner from last night and it STINKS. Bobby brought us Burger King at 10:00 last night. We got out of bed to eat and then went right back to bed. Well I did anyway, Sarah never moved, ate right in the bed! So now it smells like onions in here, bleck!!! Gotta go clean that up!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Sarah has pre-op testing and has to see her Primary Care doc for an H & P, so we'll be on the road a few days, then surgery Friday. I really hate that her doctors are so far away but...they are close to some Goodwill stores. Gotta look at the bright side of everything, right???
Mini Devotion: Get Excited!!!! As a Christian, we have so many blessings! God is so good to us. We get excited about so many things. I think about all the people that will be in the stands at the race today. They'll be so excited, cheering on their drivers. Talking nonstop about how great racing is! Do we have that same enthusiasm when we talk about God? What God has done for us is sooo much more exciting than a race could ever be. Yes boys, I know that's hard to believe, but it really is!! We who believe in God are full of hope, joy and peace! Now that's something to be excited about!!!!!
I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord! Psalm 122:1
Here is the picture I am sharing:
Rob's Aunt Joan and Uncle Tommy working the Shrimp Feast!