For Today:
Outside My Window: It's still dark....and very quiet.
I am thinking: I love this time of morning, and really don't want Rob's work schedule to change. They might go to 12 hour shifts and start later. That means he wouldn't get home till after 7 every night probably. Yuk!!! But, we'll deal with whatever comes as long as he has a job, I shouldn't complain!
I am thankful for: The wonderful services at Church yesterday. The fun I had with Rob this weekend. Friday we just ran errands and shopped all day, and had a little date at El Napol before going to Ollies, one of our favorite stores!!!! Rob did drag around that 55 pound heater for me until I found a place cheap enough to ship it. He's so sweet, he never complained!! Saturday we went to yard sales, then came home and worked around the house. Rob just amazes me with his talent to fix anything he sets his mind to. We wanted a yard light pole to match our new outside lights. They didn't make one that matched, so he bought another fancy light pole set, took the lights off of it, and is making our own! Now that's awesome. Who would think to do such a thing? My hubby, that's who!!!!!!
I'm also thankful for the new mailbox we found a Ollies. It's copper and HUGE!!! Great for eBay shipments! Well, wouldn't work for all the shipments I have today (Praise God for em!!!), but I could get 5-6 pairs of jeans in there easy!!!!!!!
From the Kitchen: Something in the Crock-Pot. Gotta go to the garage and see what I have. I hope to make cupcakes today, but I have to work work work, so don't hold me to that family!!!!!
I am hoping: To get this bucket of winter clothes listed in the next couple of days, so I can go back to JUST jeans!!!!
I am reading: NightLine Devotions for couples, Through the Bible in a Year, that's all today.
I am creating: A strategy for balancing eBay work and housework with family & hubby time!
I am praying: For a special family who's struggling with several issues right now.
I am hearing: Me sipping coffee, otherwise....ahhh, SILENCE
One of my favorite things: My new mailbox of course. Yep, i get excited over a mailbox. It's beautiful!!!!!!
Around the house: Things are still pretty clean because most of my buckets on inventory are still outside. Laundry is caught up, dishes are caught up (well, there ARE clean dishes in the dishwasher, but Mommy will take care of that when she gets here). She's sooo good to me!!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Take Rebs to the vet one day, can't do it by myself so I have to see when Bobby is off. Could that be it? No other plans for the week? Yay, maybe things will be easy this week!!
Marriage Enrichment idea: 12 ways to improve your marriage:
Here is the picture I am sharing:
The blog button at the top of this page! Every time something crazy happens, my family says "You're not gonna put that in your blog are you?" Haha, everybody is afraid of making the blog!!!!!!!!
And this picture just cracks me up! When Sarah used to wear leg braces, PaPa Jr. would walk her around the house. Her favorite thing back then: Going to the bathroom and "Pretending" to throw up! She's ALWAYS been CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!! That's my Sarah!!!!!
Have a great week everybody! Remember, do something nice for somebody in need! YOU will be blessed :-D